Implementing Guidelines and Instructions for Advance Directive – ROJoson

I, Reynaldo O. Joson, am a mortal human being who may get sick anytime of whatever cause.

In the event that I became unconscious and cannot make any decision regarding treatment to be instituted on my body, here are the guidelines that I am leaving for my immediate family members, my brothers and sisters, and my attending physicians to follow:

  1. For diagnosis of my health problem, rely heavily on clinical parameters and include observation.
  1. Do paraclinical diagnostic procedures only when the results will significantly affect the plan of treatment.
  1. Try to save me only when my chances of recovery without disability, note without disability, are more than 50%.
  1. No heroic measures when my chances of recovery from my disease are less than 50%.

No respirator.

No nasogastric tube.

No tracheostomy.

No gastrostomy.

No urinary catheter

No intravenous fluid.

No blood transfusion.

Keep me in a private room until I expire.

  1. No heroic measures if I have the following diseases or conditions:


Cerebrovascular accident

  1. Do not hurt me unnecessarily when my chances of complete recovery are small. Let me die as peacefully as you can afford me.
  2. Keep costs of my terminal care to a minimum possible inclusive of diagnostics and treatment and also place of care.

Prepared by:

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD

December 14, 1998; August 10, 2018

ROJoson’s Philosophy on Diseases and their Treatment

Classification based on prognosis


Noncurable – noncontrollable – terminal, nonterminal; controllable

Curable – spontaneous, with active treatment

Classification based on onset and duration 


Chronic – more than 3 months
Treat or not to treat

Big chances (more than 50%) of spontaneous resolution or remission – WATCH AND WAIT

Small chances (less than 50%) of spontaneous resolution or remission – STRONGLY CONSIDER TREATMENT

TREAT – IF BENEFIT (curability and controllability) IS MORE THAN 50% AND RISK IS LESS THAN 50%

Terminal diseases – PALLIATE

August 14, 2018


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