If I have 6 months to live (to age 70), what will I do?

Situation: I am already 69 years old.  It is already August 2018. My next birthday is on January 31, 2019.  I will be 70 years old by then.  My first phase of life countdown is 70 (the cut-off for premature death by World Health Organization).

Assuming that January 31, 2019 will be my graduation day (or death day), what will I do in the next 6 months?

A good way to prepare for my graduation day on January 31, 2018 (6 months to go from August 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019) is to ask the question or to pose the scenario of a patient about to die in 6 months time: IF I WERE TO DIE IN 6 MONTHS TIME, WHAT WILL I DO TO PREPARE FOR THE LAST DAY ON EARTH?

Here is the planning framework that I will use.

6-month Countdown_framework_roj_18aug9

In the past, I have written “If I were to die on January 31, 2019,” what will I do?  On record, I first formally wrote this on 2014 and I have been revisiting and revising it.  I had various scenarios: if I were to die 3 years, 2 years, 1 year, 6 months, 2 weeks from now, etc. what will I do.  Here is the link:


Now, it is 6 months to go before I reach 70.  It  is about time, I refine it.

If I have 6 months to live (to age 70), what will I do?

First thing to do is ACCEPTANCE.  We will pass away like the flowers in the field.  Also, I have reached 70 years old. I will not be part of the premature death statistics of the World Health Organization.  I have successfully reached the first target of WHO to stay alive up to this age at least.  I have lived a full life.  I have more or less accomplished what I set out to accomplish by age 70.

Second thing to do is to MAKE PEACE WITH MY CREATOR (believe, surrender and ask forgiveness for all the sins that I have committed in my whole lifetime).  At the same time that I make peace with my creator, I will make peace with my neighbors (ask forgiveness and forgive for past conflicts).

The other things I will do are the following:

  • Completion of unfinished projects stipulated in the intentional living plan if there still are (may create short-term projects or refine existing ones) 
  • Material endorsement 
  • Advance directive
  • Clutter management
  • Bonding with family in the remaining 6 months of my life
  • Enjoyment EVERYDAY in the remaining 6 months of my life

Completion of unfinished projects stipulated in the intentional living plan if there still are (may create short-term projects or refine existing ones) 

See last 6-month life plan particularly on projects.

Material endorsement 

See Material Endorsement (Confidential)

Advance directive

Done: August 10, 2018


Clutter Management 

De-clutter and de-own (minimalist possession of material things)!

Ready to leave things on last day of earth with proper endorsement to concerned people!

Minimum essential materials to endorse to ROJOSON’s family on the last day of ROJ life!

ROJ Files

  • Know where to look for my files!
  • Paperless; computerized; minimum materials on last day of life (only important documents for endorsements to ROJOSON’s family)
  • Back-up (computers – house and MDH; online back-up)

Bonding with family in the remaining 6 months of my life

  • Being together as much as possible which I have been doing since my marriage to Jackie in 1987 and Lance since 1988 and Therese since 1989. .  Will continue and enhance as much as possible up to graduation day!
  • Being together out of town, out of country vacation.
  • Watching movies together.  Watching other shows together. Watching family videos together.
  • Eating together.
  • Hearing mass together.
  • Touching each other’s minds and emotions.
  • Appreciating each other.
  • Helping them in whatever way I can.

Enjoyment EVERYDAY in the remaining 6 months of my life

Create my own sense of happiness, satisfaction, and productivity and avoid suffering (physical and mental)!

DO only things that matter most for the remaining months of my life!  (Have to spell them out!).

Enjoy all tasks and activities that I decide to do every day, every week and every month for the next 6 months and at a self-controlled pace.

NO rat race!  No comparison with other people!

Manage stress.

Enjoy company of family, relatives and friends.

Enjoy exercise!

Enjoy nutrition!

Relax!  Slow down!

Will be happy to see Lance graduate with an MD by July 2018.

Will be happy to see Lance pass the Board of Medicine examination by September 2018.

Will be happy to see Lance get into general surgery residency program in the Department of Surgery of Philippine General Hospital by January 1, 2019.

Will be happy to see Therese contented with her career.

Will be happy to see Jackie contented with her life.


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