ROJoson’s COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave

Update: February 1, 2021


Today, February 1, 2021, is the last day of my formally declared March 15, 2020 to February 1, 2021 ROJoson’s COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave.  

I will now make a summative report before I make a decision for another round of leave.


Looking at the chart, I have completely accomplished all that I set down on the plan.  I have other projects that I have achieved.

I will just post the milestones that I accomplished in 2020 and that will go for a complete report.

2020 – January to December

  1. Staying alive and not crippled – 1st TARGET achieved
  2. Surviving the COVID19 lockdown by staying home and being productive to patients and community
  3. Innovating my brand of ROJoson Telemedical Consultation as early as March 17, 2020
  4. Accomplishing the ROJDonors x MU Relief x HelpThru Philippines in providing personal protective equipment to at least one rural health unit / provincial government hospital in all provinces in the Philippines from March 2020 to July 2020.
  5. Accomplishing with flying colors the first virtual meet of the Cancer Crusaders Club on December 6, 2020. 
  6. Being given recognition by the Philippine Medical Association through the Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Award for my Education for Health Development in the Philippines program on September 17, 2020.
  7. Being given recognition by the Philippine Society for Quality in Health Care through a conferment of an Honorary Fellowship for my contribution and advocacy of quality health care in hospitals on December 3, 2020.
  8. Launching the Search for Excellent Community Health Programs Amid COVID19 for Rural Health Physicians (Doctors to the Barrios and Municipal Health Officers) to recognize their heroism and contribution in the COVID19 Fight on October 10, 2020.
  9. Successfully moderating the virtual 50th Anniversary reunion of Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity Batch 74 in June 20, 2020.
  10. Successfully moderating the virtual Christmas reunion of Xavier School Class 66 in December 27, 2020.
  11. Successfully organizing and moderating the first ROJosonZooMustahan20dec31 for Syquio Joson Clan in December 31, 2020.
  12. Continuing with the Intentional Living Plan Project with additional mentees.
  13. Continuing with ROJ-OCIL-OLETE (ROJoson – Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning – Online Learning cum Evaluation Test Exercise) – OLETE on New Coronavirus; Nipple Discharge; Hospital Administration; Management Algorithm for Breast Complaints.  


Additional Accomplishment: 

ROJoson Death Preparedness Plan – January 31, 2021


January 3, 2021



December 1, 2020



November 1, 2020


September 31, 2020


August 31, 2020




ROJoson’s COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave

From March 16, 2020 to June 2020 then January 31, 2021 then February 2, 2021 (I hope I don’t have to extend this).

This is tantamount to ROJoson staying home from March 16, 2020 to February 2, 2021 – no going out of the house except walking in the neighborhood; no going to the clinics and hospitals to see patients.

In a way, this is conditioning and training myself to stay home.  In the future, when I am disabled and severely sick, I foresee that I have to stay home for a long time (six months, one year, or more).

History of Community Quarantine in Metro Manila as declared by the government:

January 30, 2020 – first reported case of COVID19 in the Philippines

March 15, 2020 – first suspicion of community transmission of COVID19 in San Juan, Metro Manila

March 15, 2020 – declaration of community quarantine in Metro Manila (I did my last operation and I held my last clinic on this day not knowing the next day would be the start of ROJoson’s COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave) – with declaration of enhanced community quarantine in Luzon (Metro Manila included)

March 16, 2020 – declaration of enhanced community quarantine

May 16, 2020 to May 31, 2020 – modified enhanced community quarantine

June 1, 2020 to August 3, 2020 – general community quarantine

August 4, 2020 – August 18, 2020 – modified enhanced community quarantine

August 19, 2020 – August 31, 2020 – General community quarantine

September 1, 2020 ——————–

To be continued … 

What did I do and what will I do during this time of community quarantine and sabbatical leave?

Contribution to the fight against COVID19

  • ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus (February 28, 2020 to March 29, 2020)—roj-ocil-olete-on-novel-coronavirus

  • ROJDonors x HelpThru Against COVID19 Project (donations of PPEs to hospitals in Metro Manila and Luzon who requested) – started March 17, 2020 (starting with donations from Xavier School Class 66)
  • ROJDonors x Mu Relief x HelpThru Against COVID19 Project (donations of PPEs to at least one rural health unit or government hospital in the provinces except MetroCities (Manila, Cebu and Davao) – started on March 29, 2020 and completed on July 14, 2020
  • ROJDonors x Mu Relief x HelpThru Against COVID19 Excellent Practice Awards (July 1, 2020 to July 30, 2020)

Telemedical Consultation (started March 17, 2020)

Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity Batch 74 Golden Anniversary Celebration (June 5, 2020 to June 20, 2020) – Coordinated this event.

Society of Gynecologic Oncologists in the Philippines Lecture – completed before July 24, 2020 – invited to give the lecture in a webinar in August 28, 2020.

Dr. JP Rizal Project – August 14, 2020 – —- September 9, 2020

UP-CPH HA 202 – MHA online syllabus – August 15, 2020 

Module – Nipple Discharge (April 20, 2020 – ongoing)

ROJ-OCIL-COI on Chief Complaint and Concern (January 2020 to March 2020)

Survey on common breast concerns in Filipino women (March 2020 to May 2020)

Intentional Living Project – gave certificate to a Jon Lester Uy on July 7, 2020

Daily exercise project  – daily walking and stretching and flexing exercise 

March 17, 2020 to May 15, 2020, walking exercise at home.  May 16, 2020, first day of modified enhanced quarantine, started doing walking exercise in the neighborhood – 3 km in the morning and 3 km in late afternoon (rain or shine).  Stopped stretching and flexing exercise from July 19 to August 13, 2020 because of left flank pain. Resumed August 14, 2020.

To be continued


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