ROJoson’s COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave – 5th Monthsary

COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave
5th monthversary (March 14 – 15, 2020 to August 13-14, 2020)

March 14, 2020 – Saturday – 12 noon – after I arrived home from Manila Doctors Hospital after holding what I did not expect to be my last clinic session for the year 2020 – I started my COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave. I have been staying home from March 14, 2020 afternoon up to now, August 15, 2020, with the exception of doing my walking exercise outside my house for 6 km a day starting May 16, 2020, the first day of MECQ.  That’s a total of 5 months already.

In June 2020, I have declared my COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave will last up to February 1, 2021 (February 2, 2021 – I can restart my clinic in Manila Doctors Hospital.) Hopefully, I don’t have to extend my Leave.

So, I have 5 and a half month left in my COVID19 Quarantine and Sabbatical Leave. I will maintain my utmost productivity at home at the same time, stay safe and stay healthy. I will continue to do Telemedical Consultation. I will continue to do teleconferencing. I will continue to blog and to write online for my Education for Health Development in the Philippines (intentional living; public health education; medical education; hospital administration).

Happy 5th monthsary to me (and to all my friends and relatives particularly in Metro Manila).


May 16, 2020 – First day of my walking exercise outside my house, first day of modified enhanced community quarantine.


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